Match data details

Shooter data
Bank Reference Number290125
NameArwed Brieskorn
DivisionStandard min
StatusREG registered (your participation in match is not guaranteed!)
MatchMain match

secure online payment by Stripe
We impose a surcharge of €6/150CZK on credit card payments.


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no score data yet

Subscribe to receive info mail about slots for sale (only new slots, summary once a day).
Asked for slot on 15.12.2023 18:43
Slot buy
Shooter can mark his wish to buy or sale slot in his shooter profile.

BUYER: You will receive exactly same slot as original shooter - same squad, same shift. There is no claim for other squad. Only registrations with REG status can buy a slot. Please use published email to start communication with seller.
Mark your wish to buy slot (in your shotoer profile) to receive info-mail about slots for sale (summary max once a day, if there is a new slot for sale).

SELLERS: All settlement of starting fee and other agreements are directly between shooters, match organisator is not participating in this in any way. Make double sure before you transfer your slot to another person. You will confirm this action on your email. We cannot take into account any objections later, this is fully your responsibility. Only registrations with RDY status can sell a slot.
By using this function you agree to publish your email address associated with this slot.
All slot for sale are emailed to shooters who wish to buy a slot (summary max once a day, if there is a new slot for sale).

Only seller`s email is published => buyer has to initiate communication with seller ! Write email to seller.

All buy/sell actions are logged and sell is confirmed by link on seller`s email and notification is sent to both seller and buyer.

If slots are with different entry fee (junior vs regular, etc), price difference has to be paid before attending to match.
Please authorize for access to private data, make changes, sell/buy slot and upload gun import documents:

If you forgot your password, use button below to recover.
This page shows shooter/squad data or verify/results details

Viking Extreme Open 2025 / 2025-07-19 / Copenhagen, DEN