Video from 1st Polish Extreme Open

Enjoy video from 1st Beretta Polish Extreme Open … and remember November 1st – 12:00 – starts registration for 2nd Beretta Polish Extreme Open Video from 1st Polish Extreme...

Pan American Extreme Open 2020 – changed match date

Dear shooters, range officers and friends. With great sorrow and pain in my heart, I would like to inform you that due to the coronavirus pandemic we have to postpone this year`s PAN AMERICAN EXTREME OPEN to a new date of 2021. All shooters will be keeping their slots...

Eur Asia Extreme Open 2020 – changed match date

Dear shooters, range officers and friends. With great sorrow and pain in my heart, I would like to inform you that due to the coronavirus pandemic we have to postpone this year’s EURASIA EXTREME OPEN to a new date for summer 2021. The exact date will be...


Dear Shooters and Friends, EXTREME GUN GROUP, with support of EXTREME SQUAD and in cooperation with Beretta and Laugo Arms, has prepared for you a unique opportunity to participate in the biggest sport shooting project in the world. We have been thinking for a long...

Extreme Euro Open 2020 – changed match date

Dear shooters, range officers and friends. With great sorrow and pain in my heart, I would like to inform you that due to the coronavirus pandemic we have to postpone this year`s EXTREME EURO OPEN to a new date of 24.-26. June 2021. All shooters will be keeping their...